Task Report

Note: This feature is in Beta which means it works but we are planning on improving it further. We’d love to get your early feedback so we can make the feature work for you and your business.

Running an efficient business means ensuring that jobs get moved forward and that they are delivered on time. It’s the same for sales: Ensuring that tasks are raised to progress sales leads and that they get dealt with on time can have a tangible effect on your bottom line.

RealtimeCRM provides a range of tools for task management to allow you to do this. It also offers a nice, concise overview report to show how well your business is performing.

Accessing the Tasks report

To access the Tasks report you should click on the Reports option in the left hand menu and then select the Tasks report type in the dropdown menu. If you do not see either the menu item or that option then you do not have the correct administrator permissions. You can find out more about administrator permissions here.

Overview of the Tasks report

Once generated, the report provides you with three metrics that allow you to see how well your business is using tasks in RealtimeCRM. One shows you the number of Tasks that are completed on time and alongside that you have a breakdown of which Users have been assigned Tasks and to what kind of entity (Contact, Company, Opportunity etc) they apply.

Tasks Completed On Time

A good metric of business performance is whether your team is completing their tasks on time. To help with this RealtimeCRM provides you with a chart showing that performance over the last 12 months. For each month it hows the percentage of Tasks that have been closed (completed) on or before their due date. As a business you need to try to get this as high as possible to ensure promises are kept and work continues to progress.

Task by Type

What kind of task does your business most commonly raise? A simple chart shows you the type of task raised over the last 90 days. Of course it’s up to you how you interpret this information but one would expect sales teams to be raising tasks mainly around Opportunities while support or customer service might raise them around projects or Contact records.

Task by Assignee

Having a roughly even spread of task allocations across your team may be something that is important to you. Either way, good managers keep an eye on users that may be receiving more than their due share of tasks. This chart allows you to see task allocation over the last 90 days based on the person it was assigned to.

Note:This feature is in Beta which means it works but we are planning on improving it further. We’d love to get your early feedback so we can make the feature work for you and your business.